

I am turning 30 next week. How this is possible? I still feel 12 years old on most days, but regardless of how I  feel about it... it's true. June 21 will come and go and then I will be 30. 


Approaching this milestone has made me reflect on my life thus far.. specifically the past 10 years. While I have had many amazing experiences in my twenties, I can't say that I'm sad to see them go. I, unlike most people, coasted through my teens years with very little difficulty. In direct contrast, my twenties handed me a big, fat dose of reality :) 

I started this decade as a college junior living at home with my parents and will finish it as a married, mama of two boys. The years in between included this:

-Moving 5 times 
-Buying our first home
-Owning 3 cars (6 if you include Jeremy's cars)
-2 degrees 
 (a Bachelor's in Psychology and a Master's in Counseling)
-Several years of unforgettable work experience
 (both positive and negative)
-The marriage proposal of my dreams followed by 
  a fairy tale wedding
-4 pregnancies
-Birthing 2 two beautiful, healthy baby boys

Not too shabby if you ask me. 

In so many ways, I feel like the same person I was as a little girl with strong convictions and big dreams. In other ways, how can you ever be the same after enduring things like heartbreaking losses and disappointments or the miraculous love of motherhood? 

So here's to a new decade filled with more laughter, family, fun, and hopefully a few more hours of sleep! :)

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