

If you haven't seen this video, please watch it. I saw it for the first time at church this week, but had heard of Zac's story through people on twitter/facebook.

What the video doesn't tell you is that Zac passed away last month. He is now with Jesus, but it breaks my heart to think of what his wife and three kids must be going through. They have been heavy on my heart for the last few days and I encourage you to join me in prayer for this family.

Another family that I can't stop thinking about is Ellie Potvin's. Have you heard her story? Ellie is an 8 year old girl with Stage 4 rhabdomyosarcoma {cancer}. Yesterday, she went to be with Jesus while in her mom's arms. This is an image I can't shake. I seriously cannot even comprehend the thought of watching your child enter this world, only to watch her leave it 8 years later. Please, PLEASE pray for her family... (she has a twin sister) and I can't even begin to imagine the pain they are experiencing. After hearing of Ellie's death, Jeremy and I cried together for this family and began to thank God for our healthy little boy. You can read more about Ellie's story here.

I heard someone at church this week describe the idea of "leaning into your pain". Our instinct is to run from pain- to try and avoid it at all costs. But what if we leaned into it... faced it head on and pushed deeper? Have you ever thought that at the center of our pain is where we find the very heart of God? This concept is new to me, but makes so much sense. Lean into your pain. Lean on God. Thinking about the future sometimes paralyzes me with fear... especially when I hear of stories like Zac and Ellie's. So much can go wrong so quickly. I have this false sense of control that I hold onto... and it is so hard to let go. As if I can really control whether or not my child gets cancer or whether or not my husband is safe at all times. Thankfully, the Lord continuously reminds me that HE is in control and HIS ways are perfect... even though we might not understand.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and LEAN NOT our your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5

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